Monday, October 27, 2008

Changing your Motor Scooter's Oil

The Oil Change

The manual admonishes one with: "Please replace the oil and keep the usage too long" which probably means that frequent oil changes will improve the longevity of the engine and is not likely to be a suggestion that one run as long as possible between oil changes -- however much it might sound that way.

Your modern inexpensive scooter will be ready to drive if you go to a dealer, or, if shipped, may arrive assembled, or require some assembly. The assembly process takes a couple hours and at least two people.

Change the oil right away. The oil generally supplied with new scooters is often of low quality. On a scooter or motorcycle, your proximity with, and direct feel for, the state of the motor are far more poignant than they are in a car -- you can tell when it is running well or badly just by feel. Treat yourself and your vehicle by immediately replacing the oil with a high quality synthetic brand -- Synthetic 10/40 is good, but always use weight recommended by the manufacturer. Also, use high quality gas -- not just premium, but gas of a better brand. Shell or Chevron are best. BP has been fine in the past, but after its merger with ARCO (which is not) who knows? The slight difference in price is so insignificant when the tank holds only 1 1/2 gallons, and the performance differential is dramatic.

Change the oil frequently. Most motor scooters official instructions state: first oil change should be done after 300 Km and then every 1000 Km thereafter. Note: these are kilometers. Most American drivers are not used to changing oil every 625 miles but these are small engines and they run hot. It is worth the extra bother and expense.

The oil changing process is just a bit tricky. The drain plug underneath when unscrewed will release the stream of oil -- together with a spring and a filter screen that extends down into the helical spring from the top. Don't lose them, and put them back as they were.

The oil fill is on the right side of the engine and is not really accessible to be poured into without a funnel. It takes less than a quart -- measure with the dipstick periodically while when filling.

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